About InterCooperative Network

The InterCooperative Network (ICN) is a decentralized platform designed to empower cooperatives, community organizations, and grassroots movements through blockchain technology. Our mission is to create a digital infrastructure that amplifies cooperative principles, enabling a global network of interconnected cooperatives and community organizations to thrive.

Our Vision

We envision a world where cooperation is the foundation of economic and social organization, rather than competition. The ICN aims to create a seamless ecosystem for resource sharing, democratic governance, and collective action among cooperatives worldwide.

Core Objectives

Network Structure and Ecosystem

Core Entities

The ICN's ecosystem is built on a robust network structure that accommodates various types of entities and interactions. This structure is designed to reflect the complex nature of real-world cooperative ecosystems while providing a cohesive digital environment for collaboration and growth.

Members (Users)

At the foundation of the ICN are individual members, each represented by a Decentralized Identifier (DID). These DIDs serve as the cornerstone of identity and authentication within the network.


Cooperatives are the economic engines of the ICN, representing business entities or worker-owned organizations focused on various economic activities.


Communities represent social groups, local governments, non-profits, or other organizations focused on governance and social issues.


Federations are collective organizations formed by multiple cooperatives, communities, or a combination of both.

Applications (DApps)

The ICN supports various decentralized applications (DApps) that operate on its infrastructure. These DApps utilize the network's blockchain, DIDs, and reputation system to provide specific functionalities.